Monday, July 5, 2010

family & fun on the 4th!!

We have a parade in our town on the 3rd of July, and then a street dance in Valley Junction. Here is Izzy, and Max waiting for the parade to start. It seems like it takes forever to get to our street!!!!

Jim Caroline, Daisy, and Poppy waiting patiently for the parade.........

Max having is own parade for the people waiting for the real parade!

Wendi and Rob having a romatic evening with family!!!!

Cousin Deanna............smiling, the parade is over and she was ready to celebrate the 4th with her girls, and grandkids, and hubby!

liv and izzy

caroline, jack and callie having some butter cream frosting.....the BEST!

Izzy, and Caroline .....s*p*a*r*k*l*i*n*g


Izzy, Jack & Callie

Grant is in the Ozarks if you were wondering why no pictures of him.......he is with my brother and sister-in-law having a fabulous time!

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