Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's for dinner?

C ........ "What's for dinner?"

Me....... "
Shake'n bake, and bake potato"

C ......... "Eww Ick, I don't like that"

........"Tough, then don't eat it!"

C ......... "
You are SO MEAN to me.......whaa...whaa...whaaa.....every kid says that "

Me.........." Well....Miss Caroline when I was a child, we had to eat what my mom fixed...or we have to wait until morning!!!! whaaaaaaaaa you are still so mean to me....... "

C ............"she runs upstairs.....whaaaaaaaaaa......pretty soon here she comes down the stairs
can I have some corn?...........why yes my little princess!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

ko said...

that is hilarious!!!!